L. A. Starks’ Books: Lynn Dayton thrillers

Click on the book cover images for more information.

L.A. Starks - Winner's Curse

Winner’s Curse

L.A. Starks - The Second Law

Second Law

L.A. Starks - Strike Price

Strike Price

L.A. Starks - 13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy

13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy

L. A. Starks’ Short Stories

Click on the cover image thumbnails to visit the Amazon pages for more information.

L.A. Starks - Incurable, A Short Story

Incurable, A Short Story

L.A. Starks - Josh Rosen & Bubble

Josh Rosen & Bubble

L.A. Starks - A Time for Eating Wild Onions

A Time for Eating Wild Onions

L.A. Starks - Robert & Therese Guillard: Choices

Robert & Therese Guillard: Choices

Get in touch with L. A. Starks

Please contact L. A. Starks at la@lastarksbooks.com.