L. A. Starks is the author of the Lynn Dayton thriller series and an energy investor.

Born in Massachusetts, Starks grew up in Oklahoma, went to school in New Orleans and Chicago, and currently lives in Texas.  She worked for well-known companies in energy marketing, planning and engineering.

Laura Starks

Texan L. A. Starks is the author of the award-winning Lynn Dayton thriller series: 1) 13 DAYS: THE PYTHAGORAS CONSPIRACY, 2) STRIKE PRICE, and 3) THE SECOND LAW, and 4) WINNER’S CURSE. The SECOND LAW was a mystery/thriller quarterfinalist in the 2019 BookLife Prize competition, an Action/Adventure finalist in the 2020 National Indie Excellence Awards and was a quarterfinalist in the 2023 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition.

Starks is honored “Risk Reduction” was chosen for the second SinC North Dallas anthology, Reckless in Texas, published in March, 2023. A previous short story, “Gumbo Filé,” was published in the Dreamspell Nightmares thriller anthology. “Essence of Genius, Genius of Essence” won honorable mention in WOW!’s Spring 2021 Flash Fiction contest.

L. A. Starks earned a B.S. (engineering) at Tulane University and an MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Besides writing high-stakes thrillers, she is a paid contributor to Seeking Alpha for her energy investment articles and has run twenty-two half-marathons.

Strike Price and The Second Law: earned Texas Author’s first place awards.

The Second Law: quarter-finalist, mystery & thriller category, 2019 Book Life Prize


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Get in touch with L. A. Starks

Please contact L. A. Starks at la@lastarksbooks.com.